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December 1850


December 1865


December 1867


December 1872

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December 1895


December 1916


December 1921

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December 1954


September 1958


December 1962


April 1971


March 1987

Tūhoe in 1850

1 Dec 1850

Who are Tūhoe? What is a Tūhoe? You tell me! Where were Tūhoe back then? How did they acquire the whenua and the mana over it? Before the Crown began confiscating land, te rohe pōtae o Tūhoe / Te...
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1865 - 1867 War and Confiscation

1 Dec 1865

WAR AND CONFISCATION: EASTERN BAY OF PLENTY 1865 - 1867 Was Tūhoe land confiscated because they fought at Waikato in 1864? No – The Crown confiscated land at Waikato, Taranaki, and Tauranga after the war of...
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1867-1871 Scorched Earth and Te Kooti

1 Dec 1867

SCORCHED EARTH AND THE PURSUIT OF TE KOOTI, 1867–1871 Why did the Crown invade Te Urewera again and again from 1869 to 1871? Crown forces (most of which were Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, and Whanganui...
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1872-1875 Confiscation at Waikaremoana

1 Dec 1872

How was the southern Waikaremoana land confiscated? The Crown’s 1867 agreement with Ngāti Kahungunu kāwanatanga failed to lead to the confiscation of the southern Waikaremoana land from Tūhoe, because the...
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1872-1895 TE WHITU TEKAU

15 Dec 1872

What happened to Tūhoe between the 1871 peace compact and the Urewera District Native Reserve compact in 1895? Tūhoe tried to uphold the peace compact, but the Crown gave it little thought and did not leave us to...
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1895-1921 Urewera District Native Reserve

1 Dec 1895

Urewera District Native Reserve, 1895-1921 Why was the Urewera District Native Reserve (UDNR ) established? The foundation for the UDNR was laid when Premier Seddon (‘King Dick’) and Native Minister James...
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1916 Invasion of Maunapōhatu

1 Dec 1916

Invasion of Maunapōhatu, 1916 Why did the Crown invade Maunapōhatu in 1916? Armed police invaded Maunapōhatu in April 1916 to arrest Rua Kēnana on liquor licensing charges and a charge of having resisted arrest...
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1921 - 1927 Urewera Consolidation Scheme

1 Dec 1921

Urewera Consolidation Scheme, 1921–1927 What was Urewera Consolidation Scheme? Consolidation schemes were a Crown solution to titles that were turned into a mess because of its policies. Consolidation schemes...
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1921–1971 Waikaremoana

10 Dec 1921

Waikaremoana, 1921–1971 What happened to the Waikaremoana block in the Urewera Consolidation Scheme? Not one share in the Waikaremoana block was sold to the Crown before the Consolidation Scheme started in...
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1954 & 1957 Urewera National Park

1 Dec 1954

Urewera National Park, 1954 & 1957 How did the Crown get the land for the Urewera National Park? The Crown was awarded the Urewera A block (482,000 acres) at the end of the Urewera Consolidation Scheme. The...
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1958 Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board

25 Sep 1958

1958 Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board What was the Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board? The Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board, the Trust Board became Tūhoe’s first Iwi Authority....
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1958 Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board


What was the Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board?

The Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board, the Trust Board became Tūhoe’s first Iwi Authority.  Constituted in 1958 as an amendment to the Māori Trust Boards Act 1955 the Trust Board was established to administer the compensation to Tūhoe for land given by Tūhoe for roading that was never constructed.  The sum of £100,000 plus some interest was paid to the Trust Board as a ‘full and final’ payment discharging the Crown of all claims and demands for the land and the roading.  The first session of the Trust Board was appointed on 25 February 1959, its eleven member represented the Ruatāhuna, Maunapōhatu and Rūātoki divisions.

In 1971 the Waikaremoana division and representation of Waikaremoana beneficiaries on the Board was enabled through the enactment of the Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board. In addition, the Lake Waikaremoana Act 1971 validated the lease to the Crown of Lake Waikaremoana and provided for the administration of the rental by the Tūhoe Waikaremoana Māori Trust Board.  This Act set about a 50 year lease with an annual rental value of $143,000 per year backdated to 1 July 1967. By Tūhoe agreement, Lake Waikaremoana then became part of the Urewera National Park.  The lease expires on 1 July 2017.

What did the Trust Board do?

The principal activity of the first Trust Board was the management of the Trust Boards funds.  In 1967 the Board purchased their first asset, Poronui Station.  This was the first time that Tūhoe had entered into the investment business.  Poronui was later sold and over the years the Trust Board purchased commercial properties, shares, joint ventures and fishing quotas.

In the early 80s various training and social welfare programmes were rolled out by the government departments with the aim of assisting whānau and hapū by creating work training skills for employment, loans for the establishment of new business to help broaden the Tūhoe economic base and promoting better hapū organization and management in the interests of hapū on behalf of their whānau / beneficiaries.

The Trust Board administered a number of land blocks across Tūhoe from the Waikaremoana Reserves in the southern border to Tahora 2G2 in the East to Te Pae o Tūhoe in the West and middle of the rohe. These blocks were later returned to their owners.

The Board was based in Rotorua for just over 50 years and moved to Rūātoki for around two years from 2011 until it was integrated into Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua in September 2013.

Who did the Trust Board represent?

The Trust Board was responsible to its beneficiaries, those who are owners and their descendants of specific blocks in the Te Urewera District.  The Department of Social Welfare as it was known then had established a tribal register program requiring the Trust Board to establish a register / roll of beneficiaries. Applicants applied to the Trust Board clearly showing proof of descending from an original owner in one of the blocks of land in the Te Urewera District. The tribal register enabled entitlement decisions. 

The Trust Board was dissolved in 2014 by an Act of Parliament, the Tūhoe Settlement Act 2014.

1962 Tūhoe Tribal Authorities

14 Dec 1962

1962 Tūhoe Tribal Authorities What are the Tūhoe Tribal Authorities? Established over 50 years ago, Tūhoe Tribals were created to represent the collective forum of marae and hapū within their area.  A...
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1971 Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe

9 Apr 1971

Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe What is Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe? Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe is the cultural and sporting event on the Tūhoe calendar.  Tūhoe from near and far immerse themselves in their Tūhoetana. ...
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1987 Treaty of Waitangi Claim

31 Mar 1987

Tūhoe and the Treaty of Waitangi Tribunal Tūhoe made its first claim to the Waitangi Tribunal on the 31st March 1987 under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. This was the WAI 36 Claim by James Wharehuia Milroy, Tamaroa...
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