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2015 Maori Education Trust Secondary Scholarships
20 November 2014

The Maori Education Trust scholarship programme comprises a range of scholarships for Maori secondary and tertiary students. The purpose fo the schlarship programme is to provide support for Maori students to pursue and achives success in programmes of study and training.

The Maori Education Trust is pleased to announce the 2015 secondary scholarship round is now open. Please download a copy of the application form here.

All applications and supporting documentation must reach the Maori Education Trust by 4.30pm, Friday 27 February 2015.

Contact details for the Maori Education Trust are;

Site Address: IT Building, Te Whiti Park, 170a Whites Line East, Lower Hutt 5010

Postal Address: PO Box 31213, Lower Hutt 5040

Phone: 04 586 7971



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9 years ago Floyd-Alan Tuhoi Carter

hello I'm enquiring abt Maori education grant to help with my dive master course..i commenced it last year ...I am of tuhoe descent thank is only one year course

9 years ago TUT Comms

Tēnā koe Floyd-Alan Our 2016 Tūhoe Education Contributions closed on Monday 29 February 2016. To keep up to date with Iwi developments you can sign up to the e-pānui 'Te Manu Whititua' by emailing

9 years ago Hoani Joseph Postlethwaite

My name is hoani postlethwaite I am looking at getting my managers certificate and I am not to sure how this go's you can contact me on 0224626495

9 years ago Kingston Te Puia

Kia ora. I want to apply for this secondary school scholarship for my daughter and was wandering is there a different or another one for boarding schools or is this the only one there is to apply for. She is attending St Josephs Maori Girls College Napier Year 9 2016. I am new to this and am just wanting some imformation on what would or could be available for her or if there is anyone that i could talk to about that, cheers thank you. _________________________________________________ Tēnā koe Kingston The info on this page relates to the Māori Education Trust annual scholarships for secondary and tertiary students. You may contact the trust by emailing or by phone on (04) 586 7971. A full list of their scholarships can be viewed online at

9 years ago Dakota Lillian Rangimarie Biddle

Hello my name is Dakota Biddle And I've been accepted in to Auckland university's bussiness school 1st year I was wondering if I could apply for scholarship or a grant to help with costs im available Mon-friday 10am -6pm or Sat -Sun 12-3 0221394277

9 years ago Cam Te Wini

Kia Ora...I have just been accepted as a fulltime student at Rotorua Waiariki Polytech for Bachelor of Social Services a 4 year course starting Feb 2016. Can someone please provide any info or contact me on what if any options are available for grants or scholarships thru Tuhoe Trust.

9 years ago

Kiaora, My name is Rose Haumate and I'm currently doing undergraduate study at Massey University. This is the first time I have looked into scholarships. As I embark on my second year of a bachelor of arts with a major in Psychology, I would greatly appreciate some financial help. Prior to this degree I studied performing arts and journalism , I have a large student loan already. I need financial help desperately!

10 years ago TUT Comms

Tena koe BeeJau You can shoot us an email to to register your interest for Education Grants and Scholarships.

10 years ago BeeJay Pui

Kia ora whanau. I would like to set my boys up to attended Linders Farm College when they both come of age. They are only primary students at the moment but I would like to enroll them now as it has a long waiting list. Are you able to help me achieve this or point me in the right direction. Thank you for your time.

10 years ago TUT Comms

Tena koe Colin The application forms and further information for assistance with your studies can be found on the Maori Education Trust website. Simply click on the link to their website address - If you are enquiring to learn what assistance is available for Tūhoe tertiary students from Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua, then this is different. The Trust is currently reviewing what assistance will be made available in the future. Please watch for updates and announcements on our website and the iwi e-pānui Te Manu Whititua. Our team is available if you'd like to discuss this further by calling or emailing Te Uru Taumatua.

10 years ago Finn Collin

Kia Ora, kei hea te pukapuka tono mo te tauira ki te Whare Wānanga ō Poneke?