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2024 Appointment Process


Every year, Trustee appointments to Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua Board occur as a result of our ‘staggering’ process ensuring a balance of Trustees remain to oversee a consistent process of development and leadership by the Board. The Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua Board appointment process involves various stages and shared roles and responsibilities between:

  • Every Hapū-Marae (generally the Marae secretary)
  • Every Tribal Authority
  • The Te Uru Taumatua office

The process is true to the view that Tūhoe representation begins with Whānau, then determined by Hapū as a key decision maker within the Iwi.  Tribal Authorities then act as a forum to unify Hapū opinion and declare a whārua position.  This is done by ranking Hapū selections in order to secure trust and confidence in representatives for the Tribal community. 

The process is set out in the Te Uru Taumatua Trust Deed particularly Schedule 3.  Further guidance is outlined in the Blueprint 2011 and Te Uru Taumatua policy. 

Tūhoe Iwi leadership is demanding, the Hapū-Marae selection process is designed to bring forward candidates who can take our people, our communities and our Tūhoetana into an unseen future.  When selected our Trustees represent all Tūhoe interests, not just their Hapū or Whārua.

1. vacancies - What seats are open?

In 2024, 3 Trusteeships are open for appointment:

  1. Tūhoe Manawarū Tribal = 1 Trustee
  2. Te Taraipara ō Rūātoki = 1 Trustee 
  3. Waikaremoana Tribal = 1 Trustee 

2. Trusteeship – What is a Tūhoe Leader?

While Hapū and Tribals can develop their own criteria to bring transparency to the kind of leadership they think is relevant to the Iwi, the following attributes were provided by hapū and kaumātua meeting during set up phase of Te Uru Taumatua. 

A mānai of the Iwi is a person who you feel and know has the reputation to:

  • Kia mau tonu tō tāua Tūhoetana, bring about the permanency of Tūhoetana.
  • Ma tāua tāua  e whakahaere, activate Te Mana Motuhake o Tūhoe.
  • He tanata tū Ranatira, leads, defends and unifies Tūhoe kaupapa.
  • He kanohi kitea – are seen doing the mahi.

This means you are mātatau ki:

  • Tō reo me nā tikana o Tūhoe
  • Te hono whakapapa
  • Governance nous and experience.
  • Keeping your Tribal community informed; representing your whārua; and knowing when to act in the collective interests of the Iwi.

3. Nominations – here's how to Apply

In order to qualify for nomination you must: 

Be registered with Te Uru Taumatua - this is because a Trustee must be a Tūhoe member; you must also belong to the hapū you are seeking nomination from; you must accept these terms at the start of the process, as all Trustees must abide by the following:

  • To deliver upon the Blueprint 2011 as the Board’s strategic approach as directed by the Iwi.
  • Te Uru Taumatua mandated documents which include as examples, its Trust Deed and policies.
  • Tūhoe values and principles, signed through a pledge to all other Board members and the Iwi as a personal commitment and faithfulness in these things.
  • Have two other Hapū members as your nominees who will verify you as a member of the Hapū.

It is important to cover all four areas, if any aspect is incomplete then this will invalidate your nomination and Te Uru Taumatua will not be able to receive you to the Board.  The Hapū-Marae, the Tribal Authority and Te Uru Taumatua can invalidate your nomination for these reasons only, and at any stage throughout the appointment process.

4. Sending in your Nomination Form

Ideally, you would attend your Hapū-Marae meeting called for the purpose of explaining the Hapū selection process and then the calling for nominations to be received within a set timeframe. This meeting must occur before 16 August 2024. 

If you are unable to attend your Hapū-Marae meeting you can still apply by downloading and sending in your completed form to your Marae secretary by the due date. Call Putiputi Akuhata at Te Uru Taumatua 07 3129 659 to check your registration details.

- Download the 2024 Nomination Form (English)

- Download the 2024 Nomination Form (Te Reo)

5. Shared Responsibilities – Starting with our HAPŪ-Marae

Hapū play a key role in attracting Tūhoe leaders to apply for a Tūhoe trusteeship.  The Hapū-Marae must take very seriously the criteria they adopt to select the Tūhoe leader (see 2. Trusteeship - What is a Tūhoe leader?). The Hapū-Marae must ensure that they are active about contacting their whānau to inform them of the process and their responsibilities to it. The decision of selecting the Hapū candidate is made by the Hapū marae committee. 

Generally, the Hapū secretary has the important role of:

  • Setting dates for First and Second Meeting, developing pānui and informing whānau about the purpose, process and importance of the appointment process.
  • Explaining the nomination process to candidates.
  • Convening the Hapū selection process (the Second Meeting).
  • Coordinating the ranking process to select the final whārua representative(s).

The appointment process requires the Hapū to convene a First and Second Meeting.


Convene a Hapū meeting before the 16 August 2024.

The agenda for the meeting must include:

  • The Appointment Process (this should include a clear understanding of the Tūhoe leadership criteria)
  • The Hapū Selection process (how the Hapū will select their one Hapū candidate)
  • Call for nominations (this should include an explanation of the appointment process and form)
  • Key dates and timeframes (emphasise deadlines ie. for nominations to be received)

7. second meeting BY 30 August 2024

One week after the First Meeting and by 30 August 2024, convene as many Second Meetings as necessary to discuss and match the candidates against the Tūhoe leadership criteria and attributes.

Meeting agenda for Second Meeting should include:

  • The whānau nominations received.  (Formally, record and acknowledge all nominations received.  Decide whether the nominations are valid, as a minimum this will include ensuring that all details on the nomination form is complete.  Where no nominations are received by the due date formally resolve that the hapū has no candidate and advise the Tribal office).
  • Selecting the Hapū candidate.  (Ensure the whānau are clear about the criteria that they are judging the nominees by.  Where the Hapū settle on a preferred candidate, then a Hapū resolution is required to approve the candidate – no further meeting is required).

Once the Hapū candidate has been selected, the Hapū provide all candidate materials including the nomination form to the Tribal Authority by 2 September 2024.  Note that the Tribal Authority can still invalidate the candidate if the nomination form and details are incomplete.

- Download the 2024 Appointment Information Pack

- Download the 2024 Appointment Process Key Dates & Timeframes

- Download the 2024 Nomination Process FAQs

8. Lead Shared Responsibilities - with our Tūhoe Tribal Authorities

Your Tribal Office is principally responsible for coordinating and endorsing Hapū opinion and ensuring the timely dispatch of information on our Tūhoe Appointment Process. Key roles include:

  • Promoting the Appointment process and keeping a community focus on the key timeframes.
  • Receiving Hapū candidates, verify candidate nomination details (including timeframes met) and facilitating the whārua selection process.
  • Appointing the Tribal representative to Te Uru Taumatua.

9. Tribal Selection and Appointment Process

From 2 September 2022 your Tribal office will distribute all Hapū candidates and their information to all Hapū-Marae. In applying the Selection process, the Tribal office will advise:

  •  How many candidates the Hapū have to select from.
  •  The Tūhoe – Tribal criteria that representatives should fit.
  •  The date for the Hapū selection decision.
  •  How the Tribal will rank the Hapū decision responses.

The Hapū-Marae convene further meetings and as many as are necessary in order to select their preferred candidates as long as these are within the due dates provided by the Tribal office.  Hapū-Marae use their own approach to selecting their preferred candidates.

- Download the 2024 Appointment Process Key Dates & Timeframes

10. Making the Appointment

Between 15 Sept - 18 Oct 2024, the Tribal Authority will confirm by resolution of the Tribal Authority (75% of bona fide Tribal delegates attending a Tribal meeting called for the purpose of the selecting the Tribal representatives to Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua) the 1 candidate that they are appointing to the Board of Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua. 

The Tribal Authority must advise Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua of the successful candidate by 18 Oct 2024. Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua will confirm that the candidate nomination details are complete and that the appointment processes have been met. The successful Tribal representative will be provided with induction materials and Board papers for the first meeting of the new Board.

11. Who can i talk to if I have a pātai?

For information and assistance, you can contact your Tribal Authority and your Hapū secretary. Another point of contact is Maria Rolleston at Tūhoe - Te Uru Taumatua (07) 312 9659. If you need to check you're registered, Putiputi Akuhata is available to help by emailing her or call (07) 312 9659.



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