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Just as the building marks a new beginning for Tūhoe, the art reflects what it means to be Tūhoe today. Six mixed-media Tūhoe artists were asked to produce artworks that capture the hearts and minds of Tūhoe communities and generations.

Guided by well-known Tūhoe proverbs each artist drew on themes of shared identity, Tūhoe symbolism, iconic features of Te Urewera, all merging with a desire to activate a new future wellbeing of Tūhoe people.

Visually arresting the artworks have sweeping curves, use recycled materials, feature refracted light, and lively colour pallets of reds, yellows, greens. The building comes to life in the evening as a rotating colour wheel is beamed onto the two exterior panels to be enjoyed by all passing through Tāneatua. Sometimes hard to resist touching by all who visit, the artworks sing in harmony with the building.