Maori committee shows its worth in many areas
The Maori standing committee is proving invaluable for groups seeking guidance and special projects. At this month's Maori Standing Committee meeting at Te Kuha Marae, Jenni Moses said now they had 13 reserves within their responsibility and wanted to look at what it meant to have some kind of build projects at the...
More congestion coming to the hub
Congestion at the hub will increase next summer as another 2000 vehicles a day are detoured over Whakatane's Landing Road Bridge. NZ Transport Agency is planning a $5million upgrade of the Pekatahi bridge at Taneatua that will increase its load capacity, the speed of crossing traffic, and potentially its...
The Whakatane Distict Council gives notice that it has made decisions on the Proposed Whakatane District Plan, in accordance with Clause 10 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991. The date of public notification of the Whakatane District Councils decisions is Friday 4 December 2015. The final date for lodging an appeal to the Environment Court is Friday 5 February...
Tribes to meet to settle urupa discord
According to Pouroto Ngaropo, in 1868 the leader of the Ringatu Faith, Te Kooti, prophesied a child would come from the east to unite the tribes of Ngati Awa, Tuwharetoa and Ngati Rangitihi. The Ngati Awa deputy chairman said the child would hold the knowledge of the ancestors and have the ability to heal the land, restore the wellbeing of the people and unite the three...
Strict new rules on how much water may be allocated for dairy farming and for kiwifruit orchard irrigation in the Rangitaiki River catchment and in its tributaries are on the...