A Ngai Tuhoe trustee wants to learn from other iwi how they work with the Department of Conservation to protect forest parks at a hui, which starts on Tuesday.
The co-governance and co-management of parks and environments two-day forum is taking place at the national museum, Te Papa, and will be attended by Maori and Aboriginal leaders.
Te Uru Taumatua trustee Matt Te Pou, a member of the Urewera National Park co-management , said he had questions for Ngai Tahu and Ngati Tuwharetoa about co-governance.
He said one of the points he was interested in learning about from them was how to exterminate plants and animals such as possums while maintaining the ecological system and bio-diversity.
He was keen to know how it could be done while whanau still lived in the areas, such as Te Urewera Forest National Park.
Mr Te Pou would also be presenting a workshop at the hui about his tribe's Treaty of Waitangi settlement.