Your trustees
In 2011 Tūhoe returned to a collective consensus approach to appoint your Trustees. Whānau through their Hapū submitted nominations to their Tribal for the marae/hapū to elect their Iwi representative on the Board. Seven Board members from across the four Tribal rohe make up the Board of Te Uru Taumatua.
As a member of the Board, Tūhoe expects Trustees to maintain a high standard of professionalism and exemplify the very reasons for why their hapū and Tribal Authorities endorsed their appointments. These include, but are not limited to;
- Kanohi Kitea
- Kai waha kōrero a o tātau whārua
- Whakahoki kōrero ki ngā Taura Here o Tūhoe me ngā Taraipara/Hapū o Tūhoe.
- Kia pumau tonu ki to tātau Tūhoetana
- Kia wahaina ngā mahi i runga i te whakaaro kotahi mo Tūhoe
- Kia kaha ki te whakatipu hua mo nā whānau, hapū, marae o Tūhoe
- Kia mau tonu ki to rātau Tūhoetana
- Kai whakapono ki te Mana Motuhake o Tūhoe
- Kia kaha tonu, ki te tiaki, ki te manaaki i nā rawa a Tūhoe
- Kia whai wāhi ki te reo me ngā Tikana a Tūhoe i roto i ana whakahaere
- Kia haere nātahi ngā kaupapa a Te Uru Taumatua, me tana Iwi.
meet your trustees
Loves the idea of the permanency of Tūhoetana. Committed to living te mana motuhake o Tūhoe. Believes in the Tūhoe kind. “Together with a Tūhoe heart and mind we will design our brand of wealth and prosperity as we create the next Tūhoe world”.
lorna taylor
Identity – Tūhoe whānau, Tūhoe hapū, Tūhoe Iwi and the connections between all of these affirms our Tūhoetana. It is critical that each of these Tūhoe structures are strong. Strengthening our Tūhoe identity and strengthening these structures drives my contribution to the Board.
In addition to identity, Te Urewera, the protection and opportunities afforded by Te Urewera’s whenua, flora, fauna is central to the work of the Board.
Patrick McGarvey
Succession planning is a mid to long term view that the Board must keep in its focus. Succession that is embedded in Tūhoe tikana and te reo coupled with active participation at the whānau and hapū level are some of the ingredients that ensures the permanency of Tūhoetana. Succession is one of the areas that I am passionate about.
Not only is this an issue that your Board must focus on but it is an issue that needs to be faced by us all whether that is on our pae, our kaikarana, our whānau, our marae committees or our Tribals. We can and we must do this together.
ngatai rangihau
Growing up in Te Urewera steeped in tradition I was immersed in our Tūhoe language and tīkana - it is these things that drive me today, whether that's speaking at the marae or I'm speaking business, tīkana is always at the forefront of my thoughts.We must hold fast to our language, tīkana and culture, and work on teaching ourselves about sustainable environmental practices. Coming from a background in education I want to see Te Urewera become the classroom for our children. Being in between four walls and a blackboard doesn't work for our kids, we have 100 years plus of how this education system has failed our kids. They need to be taught in an environment they can relate to, and that's how they will grow.
I tēnei ao hurihuri kia mau ki ō tātau tikana ki tō tātau tuakiritana. Koinei ki āu taku Tūhoetana ko taku tātai whakapapa ki te whānau ki aku hapū ahakoa kai hea koe i tēnei ao tūroa. E paihere nei ki tō tātau ahurea, ki te reo, ki nā pakiwaitara ki nā moemoeā ō tēnei iwi.
In a changing world maintaining our values and identity is essential. Tūhoetana to me represents our connections, whakapapa within whānau and hapū no matter where you live in the world it also encompasses our culture, language, stories and dreams.