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Kim Webby's The Price of Peace is a powerfully affecting re-examination of the Ruatoki raids that achieves something rather special: maintaining a personal, even intimate, focus on its central figure Tame Iti, it locates the 2007 police raids in the wider context of Tuhoe history and the process of reconciliation. Webby, a former television reporter now living and working as a naturopath in her birthplace of Opotiki, has a strong...

Tamati Kruger was chief negotiator of Tuhoe's ground-breaking Treaty settlement with the Crown last year. He chairs the iwi authority and the new of Te Urewera. 1. Did you have any concerns about letting German film-maker Sarah Grohnert spend three years documenting Tuhoe's efforts to construct its headquarters under the world's most stringent green building programme? We were a bit worried about that being a distraction. But she...

Tuhoe lures film-maker

14 July 2015

With the world premiere of Ever the Land around the corner, the Whakatane News talked to film director Sarah Grohnert about falling in love with Tuhoe. What started out as a documentary about architecture turned into something a lot more personal for the German-born...

An elderly Ruataahuna resident was airlifted to Rotorua Hospital yesterday afternoon afer becoming...

A well-known local man was still recovering in hospital yesterday after he and his wife spent a freezing night on Mount Manuoha at Lake...

Hiria Te Moana knows that Te Urupounamu McGarvey, 12, is destined for greatness. The Te Tawera Bilingual school principal was there when Te Urupounamu claimed the Julie O'Rourke trophy at the Mataatua regional section of the Maori Womens Welfare League Pu Korero speech competition this...