Ruatoki A13 and A14B Trust AGM. Saturday May 30 2015 at Rewa Rewa Marae,...
A hui has been called for the owners, beneficiaries and trustees of the block known as Waimana...
Whakatane District Council May 2015 Meetings
A list of the Whakatane District Council meetings to be held throughout May 2015. All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Whakatāne District Council, Civic Centre, Commerce street, Whakatāne unless otherwise stated. Please refer to the Whakatāne District Council website to view the agendas for these...
Black-tie dinner for Tuhoe leader
News he is being awarded a distinguished alumni award by his old university had Tamati Kruger searching for a dictionary. The accolade is to be awarded by Victoria University in Wellington to the Tuhoe...
2016 ANZ Graduate Program Māori Graduates Wanted Tēnā koe, To support our vision of a successful Aotearoa we want more Māori working for ANZ. We believe this will help develop the next generation of Māori business leaders and support vital sectors such as Agriculture, Fisheries, Tourism, Health and Education. Applications for the 2016 ANZ Graduate Program are now open until 1st May 2015 and we would really like you to...
Students' science fair focus on water
Water was the focus at Te Wharekura O Rūātoki school on Tuesday last week at the school's first ever science fair. Year 1 to Year 8 students staged a show-and-tell morning for their parents and other students....