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Power network takeover

31 March 2015

Eastland network will take over the regions high voltage electricity transmission from Trasnpower at the beginning of...

The Whakatane and Ohope community s may merge under a representation review under...

THE Crown has failed to pay tribes to use Lake Waikaremoana for hydro-electric generation and has caused damage to a significant taonga in Tuhoe territory. These are some of the findings in the fifth Waitangi Tribunal report on Te Urewera, released this morning. Claims were lodged by Tuhoe, Ngati Ruapani, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngai Tamaterangi, and other collectives and people. The Tribunal today said the claimant groups were still the...

Māori ownership over Lake Waikaremoana was ignored by the Crown and they further breached the Treaty of Waitangi when they refused to pay for the use of the water to generate power.  These are some of the key findings released in the Waitangi Tribunal's fifth report on Te Urewera.  Lake Waikaremoana is the focus of the latest Waitangi Tribunal report release today.  Ngāti Ruapani claimant Rapata Wiri is welcoming the...

Tuhoe embrace Austin Powers

5 December 2014

Tuhoe will honour its stars tomorrow night and pay homage to those who have passed on. The tribe will hold a celebration at its headquarters in Taneatua to formally close three s that helped propel Tuhoe into its post-Treaty of Waitangi settlement...

One of the Eastern Bay's smaller rural schools is reeling in the wake of decile changes that will carfe about $4500 off its annual budget. While this might not be much money to a larger school, it is a cost that Thornton School, with just 100 pupils, will find difficult to absorb without cutting teaching...