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The Maori Education Trust scholarship programme comprises a range of scholarships for Maori secondary and tertiary students. The purpose fo the schlarship programme is to provide support for Maori students to pursue and achives success in programmes of study and training. The Maori Education Trust is pleased to announce the 2015 secondary scholarship round is now open. Please download a copy of the application form here. All applications and...

No excuses for late homework

19 November 2014

A new cyber lounge at the Tūhoe Hauora means Tāneatua children will no longer be able to make excuses for not doing ther homework. The lounge, which includes five computers with internet access and an area to relax in, provides a space for children to go an dseek help with their...

More than 780 children took to the stage this weekend as part of the Rangitaiki Kapa Haka Festival. The festival, held at the Whakatane War Memorial Centre, drew a crows estimated at 1800 over the...

Ruatahuna: Mana Motuhake

9 November 2014

This year two acts were passed which together settle the historical grievances of Tūhoe and establish legal identity and new governance arrangements for Te Urewera. Included for the first time is a comprehensive document on mana motuhake detailing the steps that will be taken to enable Tūhoe to manage their own future. Ngahuia Wade from Marae Investigates, visited the Tūhoe settlement of Ruatahuna, to see what the people...

Puke Timoti: Mana Motuhake

9 November 2014

Heoi, i ēnei wā, i tēnei ao hurihuri nei, e hoa Scotty, kua riro kē te mana i tētahi mana kē atu. Ko te mana inaianei he mana motumotu, neha? Whakatauhia ana he kōrero i te rā nei, ao ake i te pō, ha, he rerekē te kōrero. Koirā ngā mana ināianei. Nō reira, me pakari, me matika ake tātou ki wō tātou ake mana. Tangata whenua hoki tātou, nā reira me hoki anō tātou ki ērā whakaaro o te ao tangata whenua. - Puke...

Tūhoe is shaping up as one of the heavy hitters in the Bay of Plenty economy. The tribe unveiled a net worth of $250 million and a $7 million surplus from the year to March 31, 2014, at its annual meeting last...