The Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua - He Koronga Whakataenga report can be accessed or downloaded from here. A reminder your hui ā tau for Te Uru Taumatua will start at 10am on Saturday 11 October at Te Kura Whare - 12 Tūhoe St in Tāneatua. Nau mai, heria mai tō...
Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua Hui ā Tau
Hui-ā-Tau A day for sharing information on Tūhoe Developments with a preview of what’s up ahead. Date: Saturday 11 October 2014 Venue: Te Kura Whare: 12 Tūhoe St,...
Whānau halts attempt to exhume James Takamore’s body
After seven years of continual battle between James Takamore's widow, Denise Clarke, and his whānau of Tūhoe and Te Whakatōhea, a High Court decision was made in favour of Ms Clarke and an exhumation was ordered. Despite this, Mr Takamore’s whānau were defiant when attempts were made to exhume his remains early this...
Not only has Professor Rawinia Higgins just recently become a professor, but she’s also been appointed Assistant Vice Chancellor Māori Research at Victoria...
The eastern Bay of Plenty iwi of Tuhoe will officially open one of its four tribal medical centres in about a week's time. The tribe was aiming to open all four offices before the end of the year. It said it's first centre in Taneatua will now open on 12 August despite saying in March it would be opened in mid-April. The new facility will include an administration office, and a separate existing building, which is being turned into...