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Living building nearly ready

14 December 2016

It's not every worksite where you can cool off in a lake like Waikaremoana and be back on the job minutes later. A small army of tradesmen are starting to put away their tools, with Te Whare Hou o Waikaremoana living building just weeks away from...

Tuhoe Education Contributions advertisement Wairoa...

Public Notices for the 2016 He Iwi Whakamoe Tau and Our 2017 Tūhoe Education contributions. Rotorua Daily...

A new public toilet will be built at Taneatua's Jack Knowles reserve after Whakatane District Council committed $130,000 to the project in this year's...

This round your Tūhoe Tribal Authorities have the proud job of sharing the Tūhoe Educational fund across whānau. The focus is on rewarding personal initiative, your zest for learning, and in your future contribution for wider Tūhoe benefit. The granting process, to bring about education benefits to Tūhoe whānau, whārua and futures is now open for...