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A rahui will be placed over Lake Waikaremoana next week, as descendants of the area's original owners fight a Maori Land Court decision made 16 years ago. Yesterday Ngati Ruapani Kaumatua announced they would place a rahui over Lake Waikaremoana, banning all activities on the lake and access across all adjacent Maori land, from Saturday June 25, to the morning of Wednesday, June 29. Kaumatua Kaunihera for Waikaremoana chair Tumanako Waiwai...

A rahui will be placed over Lake Waikaremoana next week, as descendants of the area's original owners fight a Maori Land Court decision made 16 years ago. Yesterday Ngati Ruapani Kaumatua announced they would place a rahui over Lake Waikaremoana, banning all activities on the lake and access across all adjacent Maori land, from Saturday June 25, to the morning of Wednesday, June 29. Kaumatua Kaunihera for Waikaremoana chair Tumanako Waiwai...

Waikaremoana iwi Ngati Ruapani has placed a rahui over the lake at the centre of Te Urewera. Kaumatua chair Tumanako Waiwai says the banapplies to all activities on the lake itself and access across all adjacent Maori land from June 25 to 29. It's in support of the hearing in the Maori Land Court at Wairoa on June 28 of application lodged by applicants representing all descendants of the original owners. Mr Waiwai says the rahui is to...

Waikaremoana iwi Ngati Ruapani has placed a rahui over the lake at the centre of Te Urewera. Kaumatua chair Tumanako Waiwai says the banapplies to all activities on the lake itself and access across all adjacent Maori land from June 25 to 29. It's in support of the hearing in the Maori Land Court at Wairoa on June 28 of application lodged by applicants representing all descendants of the original owners. Mr Waiwai says the rahui is to...

A new sign has been unveiled in Te Urewera to mark the authority of Ngāi Tūhoe over the area. But according to representatives of Manawarū, Ruatāhuna's tribal body, they are only starting to realise their dream.  Te...

The government may be committing more than $20 million to ramp up pest control using 1080 in New Zealand but Te Urewera will remain free of the poison - for now.  The battle for New Zealand's native birds is set to receive a $20.7 million boost in this year's budget and the aim is to squash a predicted boom in rat and stoat populations, predicted to follow heavy forest seeding, by backing aerial 1080 operations with on-going...