Iwi-Oranga Tamariki agreement to ensure ‘culture of care’. A new agreement between Tuhoe and Oranga Tamariki aims to stop Maori children ending up on a “never-ending treadmill of state care”. Tuhoe iwi and the Ministry for Children, Oranga Tamariki, will be “working on the ground together” to “share responsibilities” after signing a relationship agreement last night in...
Tūhoe and Oranga Tamariki today signed a relationship agreement to work together to move at-risk children out of state care and into safe, loving homes - connected with their wider whanau. The strategic partnership was signed today in Taneatua near Whakatāne. View...
The lake where we wanted to live
A new management team have taken over Lake Waikaremoana's best kept secret - the holiday park. They will continue the work begun by former managers Petrina and Derek Brenchley who left last month. Dave and Toni Caudwell bring their experience of running the Ohiwa Holiday Park, 90km directly north of the lake through the ranges. Read...
Audit report passed to Serious Fraud Office
Continuing Ministry of Education concern around Te Kura o Waiakremoana school's financial management led to a forensic financial auditing report being sent to the Serious Fraud Office last September. Alarm bells sounded last May when the ministry learned of an inquiry from the chairperson about securing a loan. The level of ministry oversight was increased. Read...
Taking responsibility is our Permanency
Transcription of CEO Te Uru Taumatua Kirsti Luke presenting a korero at the Interactive Dialogue on Harmony and Nature during the commemoration of International Mother Earth Day – General Assembly, 72nd session. To the sovereignty and aspirations of member states, my admiration. To the organizers, panelists and people who celebrate earth day, my respect. My name is Kirsti I am an indigenous person, and that should not scare you. All that...
Tensions within Tūhoe in the wake of their $170 million Treaty settlement were evident when 13,000 members of the iwi met in Rotorua at the weekend for the two-yearly Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe festival. However, the iwi's post-Treaty of Waitangi settlement entity, Te Uru Taumatua (TUT) was noticeably absent from this year's event. TUT chairman Tamati Kruger said there was no reason for the authority to have...