A tribe in the Ohope area of Bay of Plenty says an assurance by the Treaty Negotiations Minister over the Tuhoe settlement legislation doesn't fix the problem it has with the legal document.
Chris Finlayson told Parliament that the passing of the legislation won't stop iwi and hapu groups, which also have an interest in Te Urewera, from having their claims settled.
Te Upokorehe iwi has argued its territory is being included in the Tuhoe agreement with the Crown.
A tribal descendant, Kahukore Baker, said the tribe didn't believe any assurances made by the minister dealt with the problem because their interest was outside of Te Urewera National Park.
She said the assurance needed to be widened to include the Upokorehe and Tuhoe boundary.
The final reading of the legislation was held at Parliament on Thursday.
Read the original RadioNZ news article here.