Three through to national awards
Kaiti School classrooms, the War Memorial Theatre and Waikaremoana's visitor centre are shortlisted for national architecture awards. NATIONAL AWARD CONTENDERS: The Gisborne War Memorial Theatre, new classrooms at Kaiti School (pictured) and a Waikaremoana visitors centre have come top of their categories in the New Zealand Institute of Architects’ regional awards and are in the running for a national...
Te Wharehou o Waikaremoana opens
Lake's tribal base open for business. “SPECTACULAR”, “stunning” and “incredible” are just some of the words guests used to describe Lake Waikaremoana’s new Te Wharehou o Waikaremoana. The long-awaited opening of Waikaremoana Tribal Authority’s new building saw guests travel from all over New Zealand to be part of the special day. Visitor...
NZTA safety improvement programme for Wairoa
Wairoa will be included in a New Zealand Transport Agency review of highways between Napier and Opotiki. Hawke's Bay Regional Council Wairoa representative Fenton Wilson said it had been reported the Wairoa stretch would be left out, but council received confirmation at Friday's transport meeting that the Wairoa highways were still...
While police are adamant a Whakatane woman would not have been denied a place as a recruit because she was "too nice, knows too many people and is from Tuhoe", the country's top Maori officer wants her case...
Tuhoe marae wins another design award
The architect behind the contemporary styled wharemate at Tanatana marae in Waimana has won another award for his...
Te Māhurehure trustees Te Rewarewa marae Rūātoki
Notice is hereby given of a Special General Meeting to be held at Te Rewarewa marae Administration Block. Rūātoki on Sunday 30th October 2016 at...