Tūhoe take trip to Wellington to strengthen relationship with Police
Tūhoe and the Police are strengthening their relationship with a face to face meeting in Wellington. The two groups have come together to assist some of the children affected by the 2007 Raids in Ruatoki. It's all fun and games today for these Ruatoki youngsters. But seven years ago, the last time some of these children were up close and personal with Police, it wasn't like that at all. Moko Hillman says, “It...
Medical centres to draw Tuhoe doctors
Tuhoe hopes that the opening of four medical centres in its rohe will inspire whanau to return to their homeland and practise medicine. First, the new Tuhoe HQ, next a health centre at Taneatua. Photo: RNZ The first Tuhoe medical centre in Taneatua opened on 12 August and three more are expected to open by the end of the year. The centres' group manager for health, housing, education and welfare, said part of the...
Tūhoe opens the first of four medical centres
The first of four medical centres within Tūhoe was opened today in Tāneatua. This is only the start as the tribe paves a new path for themselves towards self-governance. A new café was also opened today called "Moumou Kai." GP visits for Tūhoe at this new medical centre will cost $14. Patrick McGarvey, Chairman of Te Kōmiti o Runga says, “The GP isn't a local, but some of the workers are....
Iwi-funded GP clinic opens in Bay of Plenty
The Tuhoe iwi is “basking in the afterglow” after opening its first GP clinic, in Taneatua in the Bay of Plenty. Taneatua Medical Centre opened this month and, among the 200 guests, were local DHB and pharmacy representatives, iwi spokesperson Tamati Kruger says (>>nzdoctor.co.nz, ‘News’, 12 August). The practice is taking enrolments and expects to attract at least 300 locals, says Mr Kruger, chair of Tuhoe Te...
Timor-Leste police tour Eastern Bay
Four Timor-Leste police officers visited Whakatane on Tuesday as part of a programme to help support safe and secure communitites in the south-east Asian...
Plea for proper footpath at Waiohau
Waiohau residents are demanding speed limits to protect school and kohanga reo children on a stretch of road through their community they consider dangerous. The speed limit through Waiohau is 80kmh but residents claim logging trucks and other vehicles often ignore the restriction and "hurtle" along the main...