A historical and unique Treaty settlement with Ngai Tuhoe has laid out the blueprint for the iwi to take self-autonomy of its land and...
The Pakeha architect who worked on designs for Te Papa, the Museum of New Zealand, has died. Ivan Mercep was 84. The ceremony to officially open the Tuhoe headquarters in the Bay of Plenty. Photo: RNZ / Rosemary Rangitauira Mr Mercep was described by his peers as the quiet achiever of New Zealand architecture. In 2008, he was the recipient of the New Zealand Institute of Architect's Gold Medal in recognition of his 50 years'...
Tuhoe to open four clinics without PHO
The Tuhoe iwi is setting up medical clinics, saying its people are suffering while health services fail to deliver. Ngai Tuhoe expects this month to open its first medical clinic, in Taneatua in the Bay of Plenty, to be followed by clinics in Waimoana, Ruatahuna and Lake Waikaremoana, Tuhoe Te Uru Taumatua Trust chief executive Kirsti Luke says. Read the original NZDoctors article...
Native Affairs - A Grand Design
The tiny Bay of Plenty settlement of Taneatua is better known as a one horse town than a centre for architectural excellence. But that's all set to change. Over the weekend 500 Tūhoe gathered together to celebrate the opening of the tribe's new state of the art eco-friendly headquarters. With a history of land confiscation, imprisonment and execution, starvation and the destruction of their villages, the tribe is now...
Tūhoe steadfast on Settlement Bill
According to the chair of the Māori Affairs Select Committee, Tau Henare, the passion of the people of Tūhoe has been very obvious at their meetings regarding the Tūhoe Settlement Bill. The second reading of the Tūhoe Settlement Bill in Parliament is set to take place in July, however, some factions within Tūhoe feel that the process to get to this point was Crown-driven. Marie Steward believes, “The Crown has driven Tūhoe...
Tūhoe invests $2mil into health services
As Tūhoe prepares for the grand opening of their new Tūhoe complex in Tāneatua, they are also preparing to open the first of their GP and dental services in one of the old Te Uru Taumatua office buildings in Tāneatua. Tūhoe has invested $2mil into the GP service project that will focus on the establishment of GP and dental services in Tāneatua and around Tūhoe communities. A lot of work in relation to the development of...