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 An update on environmental activities was given at the Waikaremoana Power scheme meeting last Wednesday. Hosted by Genesis Energy at Whakamarino Lodge, the annual meeting welcomed representatives from the community, Fish and Game New Zealand and Genesis Energy who gave presentations to inform and update the community. The Waikaremoana Power Scheme is located between Te Urewera and Wairoa, along the upper 7km of the Waikaretaheke...

Public Notices for the 2016 He Iwi Whakamoe Tau and Our 2017 Tūhoe Education contributions. Rotorua Daily...

A land Search and Rescue exercise over the weekend involved two foreign amateur bird watchers becoming overdue in their quest to seek out rare kokako in the Waimana Valley of Te...

A new public toilet will be built at Taneatua's Jack Knowles reserve after Whakatane District Council committed $130,000 to the project in this year's...

This round your Tūhoe Tribal Authorities have the proud job of sharing the Tūhoe Educational fund across whānau. The focus is on rewarding personal initiative, your zest for learning, and in your future contribution for wider Tūhoe benefit. The granting process, to bring about education benefits to Tūhoe whānau, whārua and futures is now open for...

Our Tūhoe hui ā tau to share kōrero on the years' work as we prepare for whats ahead.   Te Kura Whare, 12 Tūhoe Street, Tāneatua   Saturday 3 December 2016   10.30am - 3.30pm   Rotorua Daily...