He Iwi Whakamoe Tau Public Notice - NZ Herald
Our Tūhoe hui ā tau to share kōrero on the years' work as we prepare for whats ahead. Te Kura Whare, 12 Tūhoe Street, Tāneatua Satuday 3 December 2016 10.30am - 3.30pm New Zealand...
He Iwi Whakamoe Tau Public Notice - Whakatane Beacon
Our Tūhoe hui ā tau to share kōrero on the years' work as we prepare for whats ahead. Te Kura Whare, 12 Tūhoe street, Tāneatua Saturday, 3 December 2016 10.30am-3.30pm Whakatane...
He Iwi Whakamoe Tau Public Notice - Wairoa Star
Our Tūhoe hui ā tau to share kōrero on the years' work as we prepare for whats ahead. Te Kura Whare, 12 Tūhoe Street, Tāneatua Satuday 3 December 2016 10.30am - 3.30pm Wairoa...
While police are adamant a Whakatane woman would not have been denied a place as a recruit because she was "too nice, knows too many people and is from Tuhoe", the country's top Maori officer wants her case...
Tuhoe marae wins another design award
The architect behind the contemporary styled wharemate at Tanatana marae in Waimana has won another award for his...
Te Māhurehure trustees Te Rewarewa marae Rūātoki
Notice is hereby given of a Special General Meeting to be held at Te Rewarewa marae Administration Block. Rūātoki on Sunday 30th October 2016 at...