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A search for dinosaur bones is getting under in the Urewera ranges, and they're looking for the big one. Remains of carnivorous dinosaurs have been found in the area in the past 50 years, some related to the mighty T- Rex. Now a collaboration between GNS and Tuhoe means that the area will be searched more extensively than ever before. Paleontologist James Crampton joined Mark Sainsbury, filling in for Paul Henry, from...

Two New Zealand scientists have secured $100,000 in government funding to search for fossil remains in Te Urerewa National Park.  Radio...

The mighty T-rex may have roamed the Urewera range long before Tuhoe – and a new project hopes to determine the truth. Remains of carnivorous dinosaurs related to T-rex have been found in the area in the past 50 years, palaeontologist James Crampton said. Late amateur palaeontologist Joan Wiffen discovered a toe bone and a back bone from theropod dinosaurs – smaller cousins of the tyrannosaurus – in the Urewera range, in...

A $100,000 dinosaur hunt is about to start within the central North Island's Te Urewera in association with GNS Science and Ngai Tuhoe. The project, with input from Victoria University of Wellington, involves searching for dinosaur and other prehistoric fossils within Te Urewera. On the hunt for dinosaur bones in the Ureweras. Image, Google maps. During the two-year project, the three organisations will pursue a greater depth of...

Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana intend to occupy the Aniwaniwa Visitors centre owned by the Department of Conservation in the hope that the conservation reopens the centre.  However, the building has been deemed unsafe and has been vacant since 2008. There is a power struggle in Lake Waikaremoana and it all starts with the Aniwaniwa Visitors centre.  Tahurioterangi Trainor Tait (Ngāti Ruapani ki Waikaremoana) says, “We are...

2016 Bay of Plenty Regional Commercial/Industrial Architectural Design Award Designer: Aladina Harunani of APA Architects & Project Managers Project: Tanatana Marae Location: Waimana Description: In Tuhoe tradition, the deceased are not mourned in the wharenui meeting house, but in a special wharemate. Tanatana has struggled for many years to carry out the service for tangi without a dedicated wharemate. The brief for Tanatana Marae...