Te Urewera report blueprint for action
Tuhoe negotiator Tamati Kruger says the Waitangi Tribunal’s Te Urewera Report is a major achievement that should not be put on a shelf and forgotten. The sixth and final volume of the report was released just before Christmas, long after the tribe signed off on a settlement with the Crown. Its three chapters cover environmental issues, specific claims, and socio-economic issues. The environmental chapter discusses the introduction to Te...
Four months after Tuhoe took control of the Department of Conservation workforce within Te Urewera, the man appointed to manage those workers is...
Tuhoe claims validated by Treaty report
Tuhoe claims about breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi have been validated, now that the final Urewera report has been released. The Waitangi Tribunal's report indicates the Crown has contributed to the shocking poverty of Te Urewera people, largely as a result of breaches to the Treaty. They include massive land losses and a failure to protect forest flora and fauna, which have been ravaged by introduced species. Waiariki MP Te Ururoa...
Te Urewera ready to treat visitors
Popular landmarks at Te Urewera are now ready for use this summer. Yesterday the Hopuruahine bridge was re-opened at Lake Waikaremoana after it was closed following a cable failure in...
No room for triptych at new lake centre
One of New Zealand's most infamous works of art is on display again. But Colin McCahon's Te Urewera Triptych which now hangs at the Te Kura Whare in Taneatua is a long way from...
Final part of tribunals Te Urewera report released
The shocking poverty experienced by Te Urewera Maori was in large part caused by the Crown's many breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi, the Waitangi Tribunal has found in the sixth and final volume of its Te Urewera district inquiry report. The volume, released today, responded to claims made on behalf of the hapu and iwi of Te Urewera and contains three chapters covering environmental, social-economic and other issues. The panel was headed...