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The laying down of kawa or protocols for Te Urewera has begun with a framework launched at Taneatua. The process has been described as the start of a two-year conversation that will give rise to a unique management plan for Te Urewera. In launching its statement of priorities for Te Urewera, Te Urewera Board laid out the objectives and policies for the revered rainforest in at 40-page...

He Pānui // Waikaremoana Kia ora nā whānau o Waikaremoana He paku whakamōhio atu kia koutou mo nā whakaritena ki te kohi i na rāpihi i roto i nā hararei o te kirihimete.   Anei nā rā;  ​Wenerei 23 Tihema Taite 31 Tihema Seasons Greetings whānau of Waikaremoana This is to inform you that over the christmas holiday's the rubbish will be collected on the following dates;  Wednesday 23...

New rules for Te Urewera

8 December 2015

It is the start of a two year conversation that will give rise to a unique management plan for Te Urewera. The statement of priorities for Te Kawa o Te Urewera framework was launched on Saturday at Tuhoe's headquarters in Taneatua by Attorney-General Chris Finlayson and conservation minister Maggie Barry. It includes "principal matters" to be dealth with in a new 10-year managament plan for Te Urewera and will be used to collect...

The chair of Te Urewera Board, Tamati Kruger, says people wanting to contribute to the region’s future management need to learn to see it in a different way than the old national park model. The , which includes both Ngai Tuhoe and crown representatives, has called for public submissions on what needs to go into its 10-years management plan, Te Kawa O Te Urewera. Mr Kruger says Ngai Tuhoe is keen for expert advice, but people need to be...

The chair of Te Urewera Board says Ngai Tuhoe is keen to get a wide range of views as it plots out a management plan for the former national park and surrounding land. The , which includes both Tuhoe and Crown representatives, have released a draft framework Te Kawa o Te Urewera and asked for submissions on what its priorities should be. Tamati Kruger says the iwi has had a long time to think about what it would do if it regained control of...

Te Urewera Board is asking for public feedback on priorities for management of the remote mountains and valleys lying south of the Bay of Plenty. The , appointed by Ngai Tuhoe and the Crown, was set up under Te Urewera Act 2014 which established the former national park as a unique legal entity. The feedback will help shape what goes into Te Kawa O Te Urewera, a 10 year management plan due to be completed by September 2017. Radio...