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Lake centre plan unveiled

13 October 2015

The first image depicting the design plan for the new visitors centre to be built at Lake Waikaremoana has been released. Te Wharehou o Waikaremōana is a project instigated by Ngai Tūhoe and DOC to serve visitors to Lake Waikaremōana and the Great...

Waikaremoana Great Walk Track

17 September 2015

The Waikaremoana Great walk returns to a two-way walk with access again available from either the Onepoto or Hopuruahine ends of the walk from Saturday 19 September. This follows a temporary one-way only route from Onepoto to Whanganui hut (with water taxi pick-up) following the closure of the Hopuruahine suspension bridge on the 3rd of September. The Hopuruahine track end is now at the main highway near the main road bridge over the Hopuruahine...

Tourists survive 8m drop

14 September 2015

A suspension bridge cable on the Lake Waikeremoana track failed on Thursday, dropping four German tourists more than eight metres into the Hopu Ruahine River. The tourists suffered scratches and bruises but are being well looked after, says Herb Christophers from the Department of Conservation. The failed bridge is at the top left of the picture. The water under the 65-metre span suspension bridge is two metres deep, and while the popular...

Forest Death

11 September 2015

Worksafe is investigating the death of a man in Tuhoe Forest, Waiohau in the early hours of Wednesday...

Upgrade for gravel road

10 September 2015

Tuhoe Te Uru Taumatua, Te Urewera Board and the Wairoa and Whakatane District Councils are working together to improve Te Urewera Road. The former SH38 is recognized as one of the country's most scenic routes and provides the only road access to Lake Waikaremoana and the remote communities within Te...