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The Te Urewera Board has been forced to review its health and safety standards after a bridge on the Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk failed while a group of tourists was crossing...

About 1pm on the 3rd September, four French trampers coming off the Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk, fell into the river after a cable parted causing the Hopuruahine Suspension Bridge to tip. Deputy Director General of Conservation Mike Slater says “Thank goodness no one was badly hurt. In association with our Tuhoe partners, we will be making sure that these people are being well cared for and their needs are being met.” DOC staff...

A group of tourists survived an 8.5m fall into a river after a cable on a Lake Waikaremoana Track bridge gave way. A cable on the Hopu Ruahine bridge on the Lake Waikaremoana Track "released" about 1pm yesterday, Department of Conservation (DoC) operations manager Mike Slater said. "As a result that has upset the stability of the bridge and that's where people that were on the bridge have slipped off and fallen." Four...

A group of tourists survived an 8m fall into a river after a cable on a Lake Waikaremoana Track bridge gave way. A cable on the Hopu Ruahine bridge on the Lake Waikaremoana Track "released" yesterday afternoon, about 1pm, Department of Conservation operations manager Mike Slater said. "As a result that has upset the stability of the bridge and that's where people that were on the bridge have slipped off and fallen." Four...

NZ Tramper forum, discussing the Hopuruahine bridge incident NZ tramper...

Four French trampers have escaped with only minor injuries after a bridge on the Lake Waikaremoana track gave way and they fell eight metres into the water below. The cable of the Hopu Ruahine bridge failed yesterday around 1pm. Department of Conservation spokesman Herbert Christophers said there were three women and one man on the bridge at the time.  "The trampers fell into the water when the bridge slumped, police said that...