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Four people escaped unharmed after falling eight metres when a cable bridge on a tramping track broke. The four were walking across the 65m-long Hopu Ruahine bridge on the Lake Waikaremoana Track when a cable gave way around 1pm Thursday. The trampers, who were French fell eight metres into about two metres of water, escaping without serious injusry. The bridge did not collapse. A spokesman for the Department of Conservation (DOC) said the...

WORKSAFE NZ and engineers inspecting the Hopuruahine suspension bridge at Lake Waikaremoana expect to have their investigation into the bridge collapse complete within a week. Four French tourists were slightly injured when a cable on the bridge released last Thursday and they toppled from the bridge, falling eight metres into the river. “Our French trampers leave Waikaremoana shaken but thankfully without major injury,” said the...

An investigation has been launched into the collapse of a Lake Waikaremoana Track bridge which sent tourists plummeting eight metres into a river. A cable on the Hopu Ruahine bridge on the Lake Waikaremoana Track "released" about 1pm on Thursday, pitching four French tourists into the water. Te Urewera Board chairman Tamati Kruger said that, thankfully, none of the "shaken" trampers had been seriously injured. The had...

MEDIA STATEMENT TE UREWERA BOARD - APPROVED 6 SEPT Yesterday, our 4 French Trampers leave Waikaremoana shaken but thankfully without major injury caused after a cable release on the Hopuruahine bridge seeing our manuhiri (our visitors) fall to the river below.  We are grateful to a local operator Mr Simpson who was on hand to transport our trampers to our Te Urewera team, where their concern for our manuhiri kicked in immediately. The...

The Hopuruahine swing bridge at the end of the Lake Waikaremoana walk is closed due to failure.  Signs are in place directing walkers to safer crossings...

  After their son Chace died from leukaemia three years ago, Ryan and Keri Topperwien decided to put their energy and focus into helping others who were going through similar situations. From this they created a child cancer charity called Dream Chaser Foundation. "We just wanted to do something in his name. He was really caring and always smiling. So we wanted to do something that would help other families." Under the...