Te Urewera brings Iwi and Council together in collaborative project
Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua, Te Urewera Board and the Wairoa and Whakatāne District Councils are working collaboratively to foster world class innovation through investigating and developing sustainable options for improving Te Urewera Road. The former SH38 is recognised as one of the country’s most scenic routes and provides the only road access to Lake Waikaremoana and the remote communities within Te Urewera. Driving the road currently...
Hapū in Rūātoki and Ruatāhuna should convene their second hui to discuss, debate and nominate a candidate for the Te Uru Taumatua Board by 4 September. The Hapū Trust is responsible for supplying the Nomination Form and any supporting papers to Ruatāhuna or Rūātoki Tribal office by 7 September. All information relating to the Nomination Process can be viewed...
Ever the Land Screenings Nationwide
The film telling the story about the new Tūhoe building 'Ever the Land' is travelling the regions and will be screening at a venue near to you. Check out the list of screening dates, venues and times here evertheland.com/upcoming-screenings to pencil into your diary. A good excuse for you, your mates or whānau to hit the movies and support a local film making BIG noises...
Great Walk Track reopened to trampers.
The Waikaremoana Great Walk has been reopened to trampers. Weather conditions have improved but caution is still advised, due to the recent snow and rain. Tracks from SH38 to Manuoha and from SH38 to Waikareiti and Sandy Bay remain closed until windfalls and other snow damage can be cleared. If you are planning on visiting Waikaremoana to do any of our walks, call the Aniwaniwa Visitor Centre on 068373803 and check that track conditions...
Maori tithes sovereign a nuisance says tribe
A self-proclaimes Maori "sovereign" at the centre of a court case that saw a woman lose her home has previously tried to lay claim to a wind farm, according to an iwi leader. Tuhoe chief negotiator Tamati Kruger said Arikinui o Tuhoe was known for turning up at Tribal meetings to make claims, and their paths has crossed more than...
Another snow dumping at Waikaremoana - Closes the Great Walk
With the latest snowfall in Waikaremoana and the low temperatures forecast for the next few days, the Waikaremoana Great Walk track is closed until further notice. This is the second closure in three weeks for the Great Walk due to heavy snowfall. Panekire range has had a good 100mm settle and until cleared will be unsafe for Te Urewera trampers. The lake-shore Great Walk huts and campsites remain accessible by boat. The track to Lake...