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The closure to our Waikaremoana Great Walk will stay in place for at least another fortnight to the end of July or until safe passage can be assured. At this time the Te Urewera Biodiversity team is working to assess the damage to the Waikaremōana track and the time it will take to carry out repair work before the closure is lifted. Brown Elia, the Lake Waikaremoana Tribal Biodiversity Manager, says that the lake margin huts are accessible by...

The new Te Urewera team is taking shape with the recent appointment of the Tūhoe Tribal biodiversity managers in July. All four positions have been filled by local Tūhoe based in the rohe, each will be responsible for the implementation of the Te Urewera operations mahi in their whārua.  Profiles of the new team members and one other new TUT kaimahi can be viewed...

Tamati Kruger was chief negotiator of Tuhoe's ground-breaking Treaty settlement with the Crown last year. He chairs the iwi authority and the new of Te Urewera. 1. Did you have any concerns about letting German film-maker Sarah Grohnert spend three years documenting Tuhoe's efforts to construct its headquarters under the world's most stringent green building programme? We were a bit worried about that being a distraction. But she...

Tuhoe lures film-maker

14 July 2015

With the world premiere of Ever the Land around the corner, the Whakatane News talked to film director Sarah Grohnert about falling in love with Tuhoe. What started out as a documentary about architecture turned into something a lot more personal for the German-born...

Cracking down on water

14 July 2015

Strict new rules on how much water may be allocated for dairy farming and for kiwifruit orchard irrigation in the Rangitaiki River catchment and in its tributaries are on the...

Due to an extremely high dumping of snow in our Waikaremōana region, the Te Urewera Board advises that our Lake Waikaremōana Great Walk and other services are temporarily closed until safer passage can be assured. The Te Urewera biodiversity team made up of Tūhoe and DOC team members have been assisting trampers and people from snowed in vehicles from yesterday and a helicopter sweep for people still on the track is underway today. ...