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A St John response to a complaint about the lengthy waiting time for a recent callout has identified key mapping areas to...

The man who tried to stop his nephews and nieces inheriting their mother's shares in a Maori Land block has been successful in appealing his removal from the...

The Maori Language Society was pivotal in pushing the government to declare Māori an official language and a lecturer from the Victoria University, Vini Olsen-Reeder, is now reviving the...

Te Reo Māori has been given a boost with the revival of an influential language society based at the Victoria University of Wellington.Tamati Kruger was a founding member of Victoria University's Korero Club and served as the society's...

Over 400 guests turned out to honour our six amazing and inspiring Distinguished Alumni award winners at a special event on 17...

Among the recipients of Victoria University's Distinguished Alumni Awards recognised today was Tamati Kruger of Ngāi...