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Whakatane sign business, Law Creative Group, has won five awards in the New Zealand Sign and Display Association's 50th anniversary...

A hui has been called

29 April 2015

A hui has been called for the owners, beneficiaries and trustees of the block known as Waimana...

A list of the Whakatane District Council meetings to be held throughout May 2015. All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Whakatāne District Council, Civic Centre, Commerce street, Whakatāne unless otherwise stated. Please refer to the Whakatāne District Council website to view the agendas for these...

Plans for the former Te Urewera National Park visitor centre at Aniwaniwa are still under discussion with the Waikaremōana community. The building was closed by DOC due to the high cost of repair caused by water...

News he is being awarded a distinguished alumni award by his old university had Tamati Kruger searching for a dictionary. The accolade is to be awarded by Victoria University in Wellington to the Tuhoe...

The Department of Conservation is upgrading its fuel facilities and forecourt area at the Waikaremōana Holiday Park. Work will start on April 20th and take approximately four weeks to complete. During this time petrol and diesel will not be available for sale and the forecourt will be closed. The last stops to fill up with fuel are in Murupara and Wairoa. For more information contact Petrina or Derek Brenchley on 06 837 3826, at the...