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Some viewers may not be aware that New Zealand's most high-profile Maori activist is also an artist. And since Tame Iti's release from prison, he's been painting. There's a lot to paint about - his tribe Tuhoe have just had the Te Urewera returned in a Treaty of Waitangi settlement. His exhibition, along with photographer Birgit Krippner, opens in Wellington's Suite Gallery tonight. Campbell Live reporter Whena...

Following on from their trip to the Police College, a group of Tūhoe children involved in the 2007 raids have made tracks to Parliament. Reporter Ripeka Timutimu was there to capture the kids as they arrived to meet Minister of Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell. They're moving on, a step closer to full reconciliation.  Parliament was a whole new world to these Tūhoe kids and one of those on call to greet them was their MP...

Police host Tuhoe children

18 February 2015

More than 70 children at the centre of the Tuhoe terror raids have travelled to Wellington as the guests of the...

In looking for a subject for her award-winning photography , Kahu Kutia turned to her heritage. Kahu, last year's head girl and duc at Trident High School, received an outstanding scholarship and the 2014 New Zealand Top Subject Scholarship Award for...

Two bus-loads of Ngai Tūhoe whānaunga have travelled to Wellington to be guests of the police, in a further step to repair relations between both parties. Links were severely strained when officers carried out armed Te Urewera Raids of 2007. Tuhoe students gather to make the trip to Wellington. Photo: Te Uru Taumatua Ninety one Tūhoe people - 73 of them tamariki - have come by bus to the capital. In the words of the Tūhoe...

Tūhoe and the Police are strengthening their relationship with a face to face meeting in Wellington.  The two groups have come together to assist some of the children affected by the 2007 Raids in Ruatoki. It's all fun and games today for these Ruatoki youngsters.  But seven years ago, the last time some of these children were up close and personal with Police, it wasn't like that at all. Moko Hillman says, “It...