Tuhoe rep says police promise kept
A Tūhoe whānau representative is thanking police commissioner for keeping his Te Urewera raids apology promise by inviting rangatahi to Wellington. Huka Williams of Tūhoe. Photo: RNZ / Eru Rerekura More than 70 children were on a tour of the capital, visiting places such as the police college and Te Papa. This afternoon, on a hot day in the city, they were taken to Te Rauparaha Arena's Aquatic Centre for a swim and a...
Police rebuild trust with Tuhoe youth
When police carried out their infamous terror raids against Tuhoe eight years ago, children were among the most affected. In one incident, armed police surrounded a school bus. Police have already apologised for the hurt they caused and today a group of Tuhoe children came to Wellington as guests of the police. Many Tuhoe children were scared of the police after the raids eight years ago. Today they walked into the police college...
Ringatu explore problems within church
The religious movement founded by Maori prophet Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki is exploring how it can entice followers back to church and increase the expertise of its tohunga (ministers). About 30 Ringatu followers and tohunga went to a wananga at the University of Waikato over the weekend, where falling church attendance and the abilities of the clergy of tohunga were examined. A guest speaker at the hui, Pou Temara, said follwoers...
Tame Iti & Birgrit Krippner exhibition in Wellington
PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 12 January 2015 Iti - A collaboration between Tame Iti, the high profile Tuhoe Maori activist and artist, and Birgit Krippner, Austrian born Wellington based photographer. {Suite} in Wellington is pleased to present Tame Iti and Birgit Krippner's collaborative exhibition "Iti", comprising Krippner's photographers, and oil on canvas and sculptural works by Tame Iti. Key to the exhibition...
Access to Te Urewera for hunters has been resumed in time for the Christmas–New Year holiday period as promised. Although still under development a new pōhiri (permit) will enable hunters to enjoy Te Urewera during their holidays. Te Urewera Board has determined a new approach using new language to describe postive new relationships bound by a high regard for reciprocity, and all based on age-old values to enable the safe use and...
Century of injustice at Waikaremoana
The Waitangi Tribunal has identified a series of treaty breaches in the way the Crown fought for decades with hapu and individuals over ownership of Lake Waikaremoana. In the fifth part of its report on Te Urewera claims released this morning, the tribunal says the first breach was that the Crown did not provide a title that recognised collective tribal interests in the lake, including Ngati Ruapani, Nga Rauru o Nga Potiki, and Ngai...