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The need for connection - to people, to cultural and spiritual identity, to community, and to appropriate health care is pivotal in recovery from addiction.  This is a common thread among both international and local speakers at the 2018 DAPAANZ (Addiction Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa New Zealand), Cutting Edge addictions conference which opens today (Wednesday September, 12) at the Energy Events Centre,...

Aotearoa's great taonga

11 September 2018

Te Urewera This area may not have created an official bilingual status, but as with many things in Te Urewera, it doesn't need to tell others about it, it just is. The isolation of Te Urewera has ensured it's a real-life Wakanda as depicted in the Black Panther movie — a bastion of indigenous life. The people of Tūhoe have a different Māori language story from other iwi, largely retaining their native tongue through this...

I owe the people of Tūhoe an apology. I have trouble pronouncing Māori words properly, and back in 2010 did a woeful job on Te Urewera - or as I called it on air, 'U-re-wear-raz'. I can't even begin to describe in writing how mangled this came out, but it undermined the credibility of the important story I was trying to tell. It was disrespectful to Tūhoe and I regret it to this day. I apologise for that. Like many Kiwis,...

Down that way, glory waits

9 September 2018

A lot had happened since I last talked to Tāmati Kruger in 2013. Then, Tūhoe’s settlement had not yet been reached with the Crown. Te Urewera was still a national park. The legislation that enshrined Te Urewera as a legal person — owned by no one, owning itself — still lay in the future. So did Te Kawa, the document that lays out how Tūhoe will act as kaitiaki for Te Urewera. In 2013, when I was working on a book on...

Jared Hiakita (Ngāi Tūhoe) is one of thirty young leaders who is being recognised as top change-makers in environmental education by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE). The Environmental Education under 30 program recognises the diverse work young people do for the environment and their community. Hiakita is a waste education advisor for the zero-waste kaupapa Para Kore ki Te Hiku. He says he is pleased...

A new management team have taken over Lake Waikaremoana's best kept secret - the holiday park. They will continue the work begun by former managers Petrina and Derek Brenchley who left last month. Dave and Toni Caudwell bring their experience of running the Ohiwa Holiday Park, 90km directly north of the lake through the ranges. Read...