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Tuhoe changing hunting rules

12 November 2014

Te Urewera Board chair Tamati Kruger says Ngai Tuhoe want to have a better relationship with hunters who use the iwi’s land. The change in status of Te Urewera National Park as a result of the Tuhoe settlement has meant the need to review access management, with the hunting permits issued by the Department of Conservation no longer being relevant. Mr Kruger says some hunters are upset at the change in their routine. But groups like the...

Ruatahuna: Mana Motuhake

9 November 2014

This year two acts were passed which together settle the historical grievances of Tūhoe and establish legal identity and new governance arrangements for Te Urewera. Included for the first time is a comprehensive document on mana motuhake detailing the steps that will be taken to enable Tūhoe to manage their own future. Ngahuia Wade from Marae Investigates, visited the Tūhoe settlement of Ruatahuna, to see what the people...

Puke Timoti: Mana Motuhake

9 November 2014

Heoi, i ēnei wā, i tēnei ao hurihuri nei, e hoa Scotty, kua riro kē te mana i tētahi mana kē atu. Ko te mana inaianei he mana motumotu, neha? Whakatauhia ana he kōrero i te rā nei, ao ake i te pō, ha, he rerekē te kōrero. Koirā ngā mana ināianei. Nō reira, me pakari, me matika ake tātou ki wō tātou ake mana. Tangata whenua hoki tātou, nā reira me hoki anō tātou ki ērā whakaaro o te ao tangata whenua. - Puke...

Kunere Timoti will never forget the armed police raids. Photo / Mark Mitchell Children who were caught up in 2007 Urewera "terror" raids have been invited by police to travel to Wellington as they seek to rebuild trust with the community. The Tuhoe iwi posted on its Facebook page that the police had invited rangatahi from Ruatoki and Taneatua who were impacted by the raids to take part in the trip to the...

Tūhoe children who were caught up in the 2007 police terror raids in Ruatoki have been welcomed to Wellington. NZ Police and Te Uru Taumatua o Tūhoe organised the trip in an attempt to regain the community’s, and its children’s, trust. But some have spoken out against the trip, believing police should have been made to go to the children...

A trip planned for children who were caught up in the 2007 Urewera raids has come under fire.  An invitation by Police to children of Ruātoki to travel to Wellington has some from the communities of Ruātoki and Taneatua sceptical about the motive behind the invitation. It's a scene that has been etched into the soul of those who were raided by police in Te Urewera. Te Waiarani Harawira says, “When my younger brother and...