The Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua - He Koronga Whakataenga report can be accessed or downloaded from here. A reminder your hui ā tau for Te Uru Taumatua will start at 10am on Saturday 11 October at Te Kura Whare - 12 Tūhoe St in Tāneatua. Nau mai, heria mai tō...
Maori Law Review Special Issue - The Tuhoe-Crown Settlement
This special issue of the Maori Law Review focuses on the settlement of Tuhoe's historic Treaty claims. This is a remarkable settlement in many ways. First, there is the history of Tuhoe-Crown relations. As Dr Vincent O'Malley identifies in this issue, this is a history that has been marked by Tuhoe assertions of mana motuhake and often brutal Crown action directed at eroding Tuhoe autonomy. However, the subsequent confiscations and...
Te Urewera gathers for its inaugural meeting
This weeks inaugural meeting of the Te Urewera Board - an event signaling the area's national park status has ended - almost did not happen due to wild weather playing havoc with some member's flights. Click here to download the complete Whakatāne Beacon...
The new Te Urewera Board announces their inaugural Board Meeting.
He Pānui The new Te Urewera Board announces their inaugural Board Meeting. Te Urewera Board has the prestigious undertaking of acting on behalf of and in the name of Te Urewera and to provide for the governance of Te Urewera in accordance with Te Urewera Act 2014. On this date 22 September 2014, Te Urewera Act wholly replaces the National Parks Act and...
Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua Hui ā Tau
Hui-ā-Tau A day for sharing information on Tūhoe Developments with a preview of what’s up ahead. Date: Saturday 11 October 2014 Venue: Te Kura Whare: 12 Tūhoe St,...
Hundreds gather to farewell Te Rurehe John Rangihau
Over 500 people gathered today on Ngāhina Marae in Ruatoki to farewell a much loved educationalist and musician. Te Rurehe John Rangihau died last Friday night after being taken to Rotorua Hospital. It was a gathering that drew multitudes of people who came to pay their respects to Te Rurehe John Rangihau, affectionately known as 'Boy'. “Like the white heron's flight, someone of his ilk is a rarity, and we have...