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It has been an emotional day for a number of Ruātoki families who were raided by police on the early morning of October 15 2007.  Police Commissioner Mike Bush has personally apologised to some of those families for the mistakes police made during the Tūhoe raids. According to Ngāi Tūhoe descendant, Kathleen Taipeti, “It still hurts, we hardly talk about because we always break down when we talk about it.” In...

The police commissioner has personally apologised to six families affected by the 2007 Urewera police raids and confirmed today that a settlement had been reached with Tuhoe iwi over the operation. Mike Bush made the trip to Ruatoki in the Bay of Plenty to meet with six families, including Tame Iti and his whanau. He is expected to also address the wider community of Taneatua and Ruatoki. In a statement, Mr Bush said: "I have apologised...

This week, the man who has arguably done more than anyone alive today to settle Tuhoe's grievances with the Crown will observe the legislation enshrining those endeavours being passed by Parliament's House of...

Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson has assured Parliament that the passing of the Tuhoe settlement legislation on Thursday won't stop iwi and hapu groups who also have an interest in Te Urewera, from having their claims settled. Chris Finlayson. Photo: RNZ Te Urewera National Park will become a new legal entity and will be governed by a of Tuhoe and Crown appointees. The Crown also acknowledged Tuhoe...

There was a huge gathering in Tāneatua this morning to watch and celebrate the third reading and passing of the Tūhoe Settlement and Te Urewera Bill.  According to Te Hau Tutua, “This is a day for all Tūhoe who have fought to see the completion of the settlement, now let's stand together with the Crown.” The tribe has over 32,000 members, 80% of that population lives outside of the Tūhoe...

The third reading of the Tūhoe Claims Settlement and Te Urewera Bill is underway in Parliament and a contingent of Tūhoe have travelled to Wellington for the reading. Other members of the Iwi have gathered in Taneatua to view a live feed of the historical event. Minister of Treaty Settlements, Chris Finlayson told the house this morning that the settlement would, “provide a foundation for a new relationship between the Crown and...