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The third reading of the Tuhoe-Te Urewera Settlement Bill is confirmed for Thursday. Tuhoe representatives expect this final step will culminiate with the Crown's Apology set for mid-August, this...

Four Timor-Leste police officers visited Whakatane on Tuesday as part of a programme to help support safe and secure communitites in the south-east Asian...

Waiohau residents are demanding speed limits to protect school and kohanga reo children on a stretch of road through their community they consider dangerous. The speed limit through Waiohau is 80kmh but residents claim logging trucks and other vehicles often ignore the restriction and "hurtle" along the main...

Korero trophy winners

2 July 2014

Tanekaha Mariu, Timi Riini and Tutamure Mokomoko have plenty reasons to smile.  The three students from Te Wharekura o Ruatoki took top placings at the recent primary and intermediate school's whaikorero competition held at Whangaparaoa last...

Kids speak volumes

2 July 2014

Tuhoe leader Tamati Kruger has served as a winn ing inspiration for one student at a regional oratory competition.  Te Urupounamu McGarvey, 11, said Mr Kruger was someone she looked up to "because he fights for the land", and her speech about him led her to the...

The eight iwi comprising the Central North Island Iwi Collective have completed a mana whenua (territorial rights) process to establish a land ownership agreement that will take effect in...