An adjudication process sorting out iwi land rights within Kaingaroa Forest is still on target for a June 20 outcome. The eight iwi entities that signed up to the $418 million Central North Island forestry settlement bagan meeting in Rotorua on April 14 with three adjudicators to determine mana whenua(territorial rights) to specific areas within the 176,000-hectare...
Commitment ot Waikaremoana was recognised at the official opening of the Lake Waikareiti day shelter and facilities upgrade on Saturday. The Friends of Te Urewera hosted the celebration of the revamped day shelter which was attended by Department of Conservation staff and other key...
Site for new park HQ having ground tests
The long-awaited new Te Urewera visitor-information centre is one step nearer to becoming a reality with initial geo-technical investigations under way. The location of the new facility, which is a collaboration between Ngai Tuhoe and the Department of Conservation, is being kep under wraps at this...
Concern is growing around the Tuhoe Te Urewera Settlment Bill's removal of property rights for descendants of the original Lake Waikaremoana owners. These descendants welcomed the NZ First vote against the Te Urewera-Tuhoe Settlement Bill in Parliamant...
Tuhoe to install 1000 smoke alarms
Tribe housing manager Max Temara said the decision to roll out the free devices had been prompted by a house fire in Taneatua, which lead to the death of a grandmother. The first were put into Ruatoki properties, with other communities to follow. He said interest from local people has been great and they've been opening their doors. Mr Temara said the initiative was about Tuhoe taking responsibility for the families, their communities, and...
New Zealand First backs Upokorehe
Te Upokorehe Treaty Claims Trust says it is delighted New Zealand First voted against the Tuhoe-Te Urewera Bill in Parliament during its second reading last...