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Every two years Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe invites Ngāi Tūhoe descendants to come together and celebrate their unique reo and culture. But how do urban Tūhoe express their Tūhoetanga when they live away from the lands of their tīpuna? Jason Renes attended this year’s festival to find out.   There is mist around Rotorua on the first morning of this year’s Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe. It isn’t the same dense and murky...

Tensions within Tūhoe in the wake of their $170 million Treaty settlement were evident when 13,000 members of the iwi met in Rotorua at the weekend for the two-yearly Te Hui Ahurei a Tūhoe festival.   However, the iwi's post-Treaty of Waitangi settlement entity, Te Uru Taumatua (TUT) was noticeably absent from this year's event.   TUT chairman Tamati Kruger said there was no reason for the authority to have...

The legal personification of Te Urewera represents a world first in land rights and management of natural places. Tamati Kruger, chairman of both Te Urewera Board and Tūhoe Tribal Authority, Te Uru Taumatua says it calls for a bringing together of two world views, a healing of past hurts, and relearning for the Tūhoe people. Above all, the new status recognises a relationship that is at one with nature, not ownership of an asset governed by...

Karakia at 4.30am was not something I was expecting when I signed up for an intellectual working bee at Te Ohu (People, Land and Kinship), a collaboration initiative between Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua (Tūhoe’s settlement entity) and the Living Futures Aotearoa Collaborative.  To be honest, my main goal was to experience the amazing Te Kura Whare building, New Zealand’s first certified Living Building Challenge construction...

Residents of a small Bay of Plenty town credit the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) for helping reverse a generation of dental health neglect after about 550 adults were provided dental treatment as part of a two-week exercise.   Feedback from the patients has been overwhelmingly positive.   “Big mihi to the NZDF for helping our people. Now everyone is smiling again,” one patient...

The New Zealand Defence Force is providing free dental care and education in a small Bay of Plenty town as part of a two-week exercise.   The 25-member team is providing dental treatment at a temporary clinic in Taneatua which has a population of 786 and is in the traditional boundaries of the Tuhoe iwi.   Warrant Officer Class 2 Ross Heald said the programme was being conducted in partnership with the Tuhoe and Bay...