Te Urewera 4182-page report published
The Waitangi Tribunal has published its complete Te Urewra report into the claims of the Urewera region. Although the report had previously been released in pre-publication parts on the Tribunal's website, to assist Treaty negotiations, this is the first hardcopy publication of the extensive 4182-page report. The publication of the report is the culmination of a 30-year process of receiving claims, commissioning research, holding public...
Ngāti Ruapani mai Waikaremoana Negotiations Trust
Expressions of Interest required. Ngāti Ruapani mai Waikaremoana Negotiations Trust will be the body seeking the mandate for all claims for Ngāti Ruapani mai Waikaremoana. Ngāti HInekura is seeking expressions of interest from two (2) uri who whakapapa to Hinekura and/or...
Between 1954 and 2014, the forest and ridges of Ngāi Tūhoe's homeland were largely part of Te Urewera National Park. That changed in 2014, when the area's national park status was rescinded, and instead administration of Te Urewera passed to the Te Urewera Board, made up of Tūhoe and Crown representatives. Federated Mountain Club (FMC) had to consider deeply where we stood with respect to the creation of Te Urewera through the Ngāi...
We are not who we should be as Tūhoe people
Tūhoe leader Tāmati Kruger delivered this year's annual Bruce Jesson Memorial Lecture at the University of Auckland on 31 October: Koia Mārika — So it is. This is a full transcript of that talk. Tāmati was Tūhoe's chief negotiator leading up to the iwi's 2013 settlement with the Crown, and the landmark Te Urewera Act 2014 — world-leading legislation which declared the Tūhoe homeland...
Waikaremoana build wins national award
Te Kura Whenua, the visitor centre and living building project developed by Ngai Tuhoe and designed by Tennent and Brown Architects has won a national architecture award....
2017 Ted McCoy Award for Education
The 2017 Ted McCoy Award for Education at the New Zealand Architecture Awards was conferred to Tennent Brown Architects for Te Wharehou o Waikaremoana. The building amidst its natural setting, nestled right next to the shores of Lake Waikaremoana. Image: Andy Spain Te Wharehou o Waikaremoana is the product of a holistic process in which sensitive design and considered siting are complemented by a...