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Tūhoe leader Tamati Kruger has some hard truths to deliver in his upcoming 2017 Bruce Jesson Memorial lecture.   The chair of Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua says New Zealand needs to face up to the fact that “we create a reality to suit our time and our purpose, and some of it is quite dishonest”.   “In New Zealand we have a mythology that we are a clean green nation, when we are not. We have another...

Outgoing Treaty Negotiations minister Chris Finlayson is leaving with the respect of iwi leaders and political opponents alike after signing off 59 Treaty settlements, a record during anyone's time in the portfolio. Outgoing Treaty Negotiations minister Chris Finlayson is leaving with the respect of iwi leaders and political opponents alike after signing off 59 Treaty settlements, a record during anyone's time in the...

Ngāi Tūhoe leader Tamati Kruger says the iwi does not want to be defined by its negative past, but rather look to the future. He also talked about the comparison with the iwi wishing to not be held by what happens in Wellington, with what is happening in Spain with Catalonia wishing to be independent, and the unsuccessful move of Scotland to try to break away from...

Ten years ago, armed police stormed the tiny Bay of Plenty settlement of Rūātoki, in what became known as the Urewera raids. The trauma visited upon the people of Rūātoki that day was the third time in 150 years the Crown had invaded Tūhoe. A decade on from the raids the relationship between Crown and the tribe known as the 'Children of The Mist' is still shrouded in mistrust and mamae. Resident Huka Williams remembers...

It's been a decade since armed police swooped on Bay of Plenty locals believed to be involved in military style training camps.   TVNZ...

Te Kura o Waikaremoana has been making progress according to the Education Review Office team. The team visited the kura in the second term of this year and said while progress had been made since the 2014 ERO report there were still...