NZ Police Press Release. Korean man missing from Te Urewera
8 February 2017
Korean man missing from Te Urewera
Wednesday, 8 February 2017 - 7:39am
Wairoa Police and Search and Rescue are searching for a 59-year-old Korean man who was reported missing from the Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk in Te Urewera.
He was last seen at the Panekire Hut on 7 February 2017 and was expected to be at Onepoto by 1pm for a scheduled pick up. The alarm was raised when he was not there at the agreed upon time.
Police are still working to confirm his personal details and will advise these as soon as possible.
Police cannot yet rule out that he may have left the bush earlier than scheduled and hitch-hiked to a new location.
Police are seeking any information from anyone who may have seen or picked up a Korean man, who appears around 59 years old and is of medium build, from Te Urewera or Wairoa area. He was last known to be wearing a blue merino top and light brown/sandy coloured pants.
If you have information about this man please contact your nearest Police Station or the Wairoa Police Station on 06 838 8345.
Issued by Police Media Centre.