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Public positive on Urewera access
24 February 2015

Two months have passed since access resumed for hunters in Te Urewera and feedback on the new permit process has been overwhelmingly positive.

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10 years ago Te Uru Taumatua

Thank you for your vigilance and contact. Your feedback on this topic will form part of the discussion at the next DOC and Tūhoe meeting next Thursday.

10 years ago Te Uru Taumatua

Thank you for your vigilance and contact. Your feedback on this topic will form part of the discussion at the next DOC and Tūhoe meeting next Thursday.

10 years ago Affraid for public safety

Walking and driving through Waikaremoana and you see hunters in public areas "stalking", along the main highway and along the Waikaremoana Great Walk. Who is out there monitoring them? And are they hunting in correct areas?