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Tame Iti to stand as list candidate for Māori Party
25 August 2014

Tame Iti will stand as a list candidate for the Māori Party at this year’s General Election.

The Tūhoe health worker, artist and political advocate says he’s standing for the Māori Party because they are focused on the issues that are important to whānau, hapū and iwi.

“I totally support Whānau Ora and I believe that Māori need an independent voice in Parliament. The Māori Party is the only independent Māori voice in Parliament,” says Tame Iti.

While Tame iti is no stranger to controversy the Māori Party President Naida Glavish says having the support of Tame Iti and Northland doctor Dr Lance O’Sullivan who is the New Zealander of the Year 2014 is a huge boost to the party.

“These two people work tirelessly for their communities and their public support for the Māori Party s a strong messages to the electorates.”

Tame Iti says, “I have supported the Māori Party since Tariana Turia, in an act of political heroism crossed the floor and formed the Māori Party. I support Te Ururoa and Rangi because they are both “kanohi kitea”, people who are seen in their communities.”

Tame Iti is expected to be ranked at 8th or 9th spot on the Māori Party list.

To view the original Te Kaea news item, click here.

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11 years ago bro truce

Why not? ill support him, hes a great speaker, and has alot of charisma, if he gets behind a worthy policy that can make awesum change for all our people, such as Housing, education, jobs and sustainable living, he will get the support.