The Crown and Ngāi Tūhoe welcome the launch of Te Urewera’s inaugural Statement of Priorities in Taneātua today.
“This launch is significant as it demonstrates the excellent progress the Te Urewera Board has made since Te Urewera was declared a legal entity last year,” Mr Finlayson says.
The Statement of Priorities invites public feedback on a framework for Te Kawa O Te Urewera, a 10 year management plan which sets out the objectives and policies for Te Urewera. Te Kawa O Te Urewera is due to be finalised in September 2017.
“This management plan will be crucial to the ongoing preservation and protection of Te Urewera’s precious ecosystem and native wildlife,” Ms Barry says.
“It will strengthen the connection between Tūhoe and Te Urewera, and allow all New Zealanders to continue to access and experience the region. Inviting public input at this first stage will greatly benefit the overall quality of the plan.”
Te Urewera’s Statement of Priorities and Te Kawa O Te Urewera framework can be accessed here.
The deadline for providing feedback on the framework for Te Kawa O Te Urewera is 26 February 2016.
Te Urewera Act 2014 established Te Urewera as a legal entity, with all the rights, powers, duties and liabilities of a legal person. Te Urewera Board, appointed by Ngāi Tuhoe and the Crown, acts on behalf of and is charged with governing Te Urewera.
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