Te Urewera draft plan out for submissions
Te Urewera Board has invited public submissions on its draft management plan Te Kawa o Te Urewera. In 2014, Te Urewera Act established Te Urewera as an independent legal identity - essentially meaning the area of Te Urewera owns itself. Te Urewera Board speaks for and represents Te Urewera, and day-to-day management plans under Te Urewera Act, as well as decisions by the about activities within Te...
People the problem for Te Urewera
Te Urewera Board chair Tamati Kruger says a new plan is a way to manage the way people use the resource rather than the land itself. The is calling for submissions on Te Kawa o Te Urewera, which sets out the principles for managing and regulating activities within Te Urewera. it's a new approach to management plans and reflects the changes in Te Urewera Act that gave Ngai Tuhoe a say in what happens after 60 years of the land being...
Newly-worded Urewera plan up for submissions
BIG changes in Te Urewera’s management plan include a reduction of Crown appointees on the , an increase of Tuhoe representatives, different terminology, and its length. Te Urewera chairman Tamati Kruger said most management plans were about 200 pages long, and this one was only 27 pages. It is called Te Kawa o Te Urewera and was released yesterday. Mr Kruger said the plan contained principles, virtues,...
Te Kawa o Te Urewera draft released
Te Kawa o Te Urewera draft released Friday, 19 May 2017, 4:53 pm Press Release: Te Urewera Board Te Kawa o Te Urewera draft released Te Urewera Board has invited public submissions on its draft Te Kawa o Te Urewera (Te Kawa), which presents a new way to understand the relationship between people and Te Urewera and places respect for and interdependence with nature at its centre. In 2014 Te Urewera Act established Te Urewera as an...
Te Urewera Board has released its draft principles of management for Te Urewera, formerly Te Urewera National Park, which was recognised as a legal entity three years ago. It's key approach is to focus more on the management of people at Te Urewera instead of management of the land. Te Kawa o Te Urewera management plan acknowledges people need nature but nature doesn't need people. Te Urewera Board Chairman Tamati Kruger says,...
New innovative management plan for Te Urewera
In a public announcement today, the Te Urewera Board released its draft principles to management the legal entity Te Urewera, formerly known as Te Urewera National Park. The principles are set to align the unique relationship between Te Urewera, its people and visitors. In 2014 the Te Urewera Act formally recognised Te Urewera as a legal entity and it would belong to itself. Both Tūhoe and the Department of Conservation agreed to share the...