Police organise trip for children affected by Tūhoe raids
A trip planned for children who were caught up in the 2007 Urewera raids has come under fire. An invitation by Police to children of Ruātoki to travel to Wellington has some from the communities of Ruātoki and Taneatua sceptical about the motive behind the invitation. It's a scene that has been etched into the soul of those who were raided by police in Te Urewera. Te Waiarani Harawira says, “When my younger brother and...
Nineteen months after he was released from prison, Tame Iti is finally free. Mr Iti's parole period ended on Tuesday. His final required visit to the probabtion service occured last week. His new-found freedom was marked with a cup tea and a slice of chocolate cake at Te Kura Whare, the Tūhoe headquarters, on...
Top cop visits Ruatoki to apologise for raids
Police have said sorry for the raids on the Tuhoe people in 2007 but there will be no ministerial apology for what happened. Yesterday, Police Commissioner Mike Bush apologised for police actions while raiding the Taneatua and Ruatoki communities nearly seven years ago. Speaking at Te Rewarewa marae in Ruatoki, Mr Bush said the operation, during which armed police detained a number of people in the small Eastern Bay of Plenty communities on...
Urewera apology will help heal community's wounds
Community member Hans Tiakiwa gauges the mood in Ruatoki ahead of a formal police...
Large police presence for Te Urewera apology
The Police Commissioner has been welcomed on to a marae to deliver a historic...
Apology an admission of wrong doing in relation to Tūhoe
Today's apology is an admittance by Police that the raid carried out in Ruātoki seven years ago was wrong. The police commissioner and a contingent of officers officially apologised to the people of Tūhoe in the small rural community of Ruātoki. On the morning of October 15 around 300 police, including the Armed Offenders Squad and Special Tactics Unit raided the sedate settlement of Ruātoki. They searched cars, homes and school...