He Pānui |
The new Te Urewera Board announces their inaugural Board Meeting.
Te Urewera Board has the prestigious undertaking of acting on behalf of and in the name of Te Urewera and to provide for the governance of Te Urewera in accordance with Te Urewera Act 2014. On this date 22 September 2014, Te Urewera Act wholly replaces the National Parks Act and regime.
Te Urewera Board and its newly appointed member’s look forward to its new duties and to forming relationships with all groups and communities interested in the future wellbeing of Te Urewera. It is proud to announce that the first Board Hui is now set down for the following:
Date: Monday 22 September 2014 Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm Venue: Te Kura Whare, 12 Tūhoe St, Tāneatua
Any person interested in any of the Board documentation or attending the Board meeting may call in or contact Herehere Titoko at Tūhoe – Te Uru Taumatua at our office – Te Kura Whare 12 Tūhoe St, Tāneatua. Herehere can be contacted on 07 3129 659 or by email; here@ngaituhoe.iwi.nz. |
He karanga, he pānui tēnei ka tū te hui tuatahi a te Poari hou mo Te Urewera.
Ko te kaupapa matua o ngā katiaki mo te poari o Te Urewera, he whakamana i ngā aronganui o te ture Te Urewera Act 2014. Ka whaimana te ture ki Aotearoa, hai te 22 o ngā rā o Mahuru 2014, otia ka whakamoea te ture tawhito te National Parks Act me ōna herenga i taua rā anō.
E hihiko ana ngā mema o tēnei poari ki te whakaara i ngā tūmahi me te paihere ki ngā roopu me ngā whārua e manako nui nei ki te tūroatanga o Te Urewera. Anei ngā whakaritenga mo te hui tuatahi a te Poari:
Ā hea: Mane te 22 o Mahuru 2014 Wā: 10:00am – 4:00pm Wāhi: Te Kura Whare, 12 Tūhoe St, Tāneatua
Koutou ka hiahia ki ngā pepa o te hui a te Poari, ā rānei, ka hia haramai, tēna wāea mai kia Herehere Titoko i te tari o Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua 07 312 9659, īmera rānei ia here@ngaituhoe.iwi.nz. |