Parliament is sitting under extended hours to advance Treaty of Waitangi bills including legislation which sets up Te Urewera National Park as its own legal entity.
Along with a Crown apology for breaching the treaty the Te Urewera-Tuhoe Bill also provides commercial and cultural redress for Tuhoe and sets up the iwi's new governance structure.
The bill passed its second reading with the support of all parties except New Zealand First.
Its leader, Winston Peters, told Parliament his party recognises Tūhoe grievences, but is concerned about the boundaries of the settlement.
"We fear on the evidence and on the history that we understand that there are other claimants being swept within these boundaries of this bill who themselves are going to be wronged because of it."
The House also passed the Ngati Haua Claims Settlement Bill through its second reading.
On Thursday afternoon MPs were debating the Ngati Koroki Kahukura Claims Settlement Bill.